The exchange is cancelled

We cancelled the exchange yesterday. The Coronavirus situation is getting only worse, and there is no hope, that it would get better soon. That annoys, irritates and frustrates at the same time.

We have been dreaming of this for three years, when I decided to go back to school. We have planned and organized things for more than a year. Now the last weeks have been very busy, as we have organized the last things: packing for move, SIMs for mobile phones, travel insurances, the trips there etc. The departure came closer day by day, but still it was so unreal, that we didn't really understand that the departure will be soon. And then.. BOOOM. Before we even realized, we really are going, we should now realize, that we are NOT leaving.

Of course we have cancelled our apartment in Finland. We have brought part of our stuff to store. And now with 2 weeks notice we have to get a new apartment and to get help for the move despite the Coronavirus (and one of our kids is coughing and has mild fever).

Besides this, the coming time is going to be one of the most tight times financially ever. We decided with my wife, that we are committed to try next year again. I have only 4 months left of my adult student pay, and I want to save them for next year. The summer would be good times to finish my Master's thesis, but alongside work that would be too rough, and would my employer accept, that I come with so short notice from study leave back to work? My wife changes this month to home care allowance. I have to come along the summer with student pay, so that I save the adult student pay. So, my income will be 350 € per month, and I have to be careful, that the income limit for the whole year won't be exceeded, so I don't know if I get that for whole sommer 4 months or less or at all.

Luckily a cheap alternative for living was found. My parents old house has been almost empty lately, so we get to move there. Phew, it would have been too rought to look for an apartment in this situation and even for the cheapest possible because of low income.

So after a year we will try again to exchange. The University of Regensburg has promiset to be as unbureaucratic as possible and the happily accept us next year there. A very big thanks to them. The University of Vaasa has an official process which we have to go through, luckily it has positive assumption. The biggest issue is, if my graduation takes too long time. We have to hope, that the decision is positive. We well be waiting for that.

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